レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
2巻2号 (2021年10月)
Volume 2, Number 2 (October 2021)
解説: 蛍光分光法と地球環境センシング技術としての蛍光ライダーへの適応事例  pp. 53-66
Technical Review: Fluorescence spectroscopy and its adaptation to fluorescence lidar as earth environmental sensing technique
齊藤 保典
Yasunori Saito
Since fluorescence is one of essential spectroscopical characteristics of substance, fluorescence spectros- copy can be a promised manner of obtaining such information. In this paper, we focus on fluorescence lidar as an earth environment sensing technique/system based on fluorescence spectroscopy, and discuss its usefulness in the measurement. The substances handled here are ubiquitous on the earth formed by the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere which are natural environmental systems and liv- ingsphere which is an artificial one. The fluorescence lidar can help track material transfer between sys- tems. This is a unique ability of the fluorescence lidar and very important for understanding the circula- tion of materials. The quantity and quality of the measurement data presented here measured in the individual environmental systems was sufficient to demonstrate the ability of the fluorescence lidar. Monitoring environmental conditions caused by human activity is one of the most promising applications of the fluorescence lidar in the future.