レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
1巻2号 (2020年10月)
Volume 1, Number 2 (October 2020)
解説: 衛星搭載差分吸収ライダーによるグローバルな水蒸気分布観測の提案 pp. 72-78
Technical Review: Proposal on the Spaceborne Differential Absorption Lidar
for Global Water Vapor Profiling
阿保 真,長澤親生,柴田泰邦,内野 修,酒井 哲,柴田 隆,勝俣昌己
Makoto ABO, Chikao NAGASAWA, Yasukuni SHIBATA, Osamu UCHINO,

Measurements of water vapor profiles are very important in the studies of atmospheric dynamics, clouds, aerosols and radiation. Water vapor is the predominant greenhouse gas and its vertical distributions are especially important in the global climate system. Water vapor data would lead to benefits in numerical weather prediction such as localized heavy rainfall events and typhoon forecasting. We propose two-beam spaceborne water vapor DIAL with the OPG/OPA transmitter using the absorption line of the 1300 nm band. An error simulation is performed assuming that the platform altitude is 250 km, the receiver diameter is 0.8 m, the laser energy is 20 mJ, and the repetition rate of the laser shot pair(on-off) is 500 Hz. It is shown that water vapor profile measurement relative error of less than 10% is possible between 0‒2 km altitudes with spatial resolutions of 300 m vertically and 20 km horizontally in East Asia in summer.